Comms coaching
Communication is everything. It’s something we can all improve on, but the good news is, communication is a learned skill. Through learning and practising new ways of communicating, we can make positive changes that will have a profound impact on how engaged we are in our professional lives, and how people respond to us.

Our Challenges
There are a number of factors that can negatively impact the way we communicate and feel during interactions with audiences or peers, including:
- Low confidence
- Self-doubt
- Perfectionism
- Fear of judgement
- Imposter feelings
How I can help
I work with artists and music industry workers to help facilitate clear, assertive, and empowering communication.
Whether it’s artist to manager communication, colleague to colleague communication, or artist to audience communication, there can be plenty of challenges in this space.
Together we’ll explore your communications mindset, identify and manage any roadblocks you’re experiencing, and practice new skills to help you communicate like a pro..
Absolute Beginners
This is perfect for brand new artists and spokespeople with zero or limited experience with media and / or communicating a clear message to an audience. This is a comprehensive program that can be conducted in person over a day or through three sessions on Zoom.
What's your story (morning glory)?
What are the compelling parts of your story and how can you express those? I can help you work out the most exciting bits and how to articulate them in a way that feels right for you.
Tune Up
Perfect for an artist or spokesperson that can hold their own but wants to refresh existing skills. A great option if levelling up is on your mind.
Got a key issue you’re trying to communicate that needs work? Here we focus on refining key messages around specific issues.
Price will vary based on band versus individual and number of sessions required.
If you're a music worker:
Closer Connections
Stronger connections with your colleagues.
Clear communication
Get your point across and feel understood.
Speak Up
Communicate your ideas instead of sitting quietly, not sharing.
Establish Boundaries
Communicate boundaries assertively.
Face Difficult Conversations
Tackle uncomfortable conversations instead of avoiding them.
If you're a music artist:
Clear Communication
Improve how you engage with your bandmates, manager and other team members.
Establish Boundaries
Communicate boundaries assertively.
Face Difficult Conversations
Tackle uncomfortable conversations instead of avoiding them.
Execute Effectively
Deliver positive, interesting and engaging interviews across all mediums.
Tell your story
Clearly communicate the message behind your music or your story to your audience and the people that matter to you.
Are you ready?
Let's chat.
Get in contact to see how I can help you.
If you need urgent assistance, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.
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